
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak

供應中 評分 3.5 (7,355) Fight your way across massive dune seas, deep craters, and hostile canyons in sprawling maps – all in unprecedented fidelity and scale. TACTICAL COMBAT


評分 3.5 (7,369) A ground-based RTS prequel to the classic Homeworld games. Assemble your fleet and lead them to victory on the shifting sands of Kharak in this compelling ...

在Steam 購買Homeworld

供應中 評分 3.5 (7,324) 購買Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak. 特別促銷!2 月3 日截止. -90%. $49.99. $4.99. 加入購物車. 購買Homeworld Remastered Collection and Deserts of Kharak Bundle 組合 ...


供應中評分3.5(7,355)Fightyourwayacrossmassiveduneseas,deepcraters,andhostilecanyonsinsprawlingmaps–allinunprecedentedfidelityandscale.TACTICALCOMBAT,評分3.5(7,369)Aground-basedRTSprequeltotheclassicHomeworldgames.AssembleyourfleetandleadthemtovictoryontheshiftingsandsofKharakinthiscompelling ...,供應中評分3.5(7,324)購買Homeworld:DesertsofKharak.特別促銷!2月3日截止.-90%.$49.99.$4.99.加入購物車...